
Beach Thinking

Beach Thinking… Intentional Dreaming requires freedom of thought. You cannot effectively dream when you are dealing with day-to-day pressures. Get away from your business every 90 days to think, dream and plan. That’s why I go to beautiful beaches- the beauty inspires me. I’m a beach bum. I absolutely love to just lay in the sun with a notebook and…

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Somebody, Everybody & Nobody

If you have staff, you are probably familiar with the story of Somebody, Everybody, and Nobody: Somebody was asked to do something that was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Somebody was going to do it, but Nobody did it. When Nobody did it, Everybody asked why Somebody didn’t do it. Somebody said it was Everybody’s job. Everybody said it was Nobody’s…

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Seven Step Sales Process Continued

Zig Ziglar said… “A good salesman has his customer’s best interest in mine.A good salesman has a solution to a need of his customer.” Part of the 7 Step Sales Process is Connecting Emotionally There will most likely be an overarching, broad, big picture emotion that your prospects are experiencing when they first call you. For example, if you do…

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Seven Step Sales System

Many years ago, I developed a system that has proven to work in many small businesses around the world. When you understand and apply this system, I believe you can close more sales because I have seen it work many times. Through this system, you will also confirm that you have the right type of prospect, and you will disqualify…

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Have a Phenomenal Greeting

  When people walk into your practice, your store, your restaurant, or call your company, you want to have an enthusiastic greeting that demonstrates you are excited to hear from them. And you should be! So have a phenomenal greeting when people enter your facility or call your company. I learned from Zig Ziglar many years ago to answer the…

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