The 18th Howard Partridge Round Table has begun!! Blow your balloons and pop when you have an AHA moment!! What some of the members are saying about Howard’s Program!!
Step 6 – Pricing Strategies
Step 6 – Pricing Strategies Yesterday I saw an infomercial on TV for Carol Burnett’s old variety shows. I thought this would be a great gift for my wife. So, I call up and find out that the DVD for $9.95 (plus s/h) only includes two episodes. Now, I am far from being a cheapskate; quite the contrary. But I…
Your 9-Step Marketing Plan – Step 5
I have been outlining a marketing plan that, when followed, can help you grow a phenomenally successful business. You see, most small-business owners don’t have a real plan, a written, documented plan that is well thought out; they just react to circumstances. You may be feeling the effect of that scenario right now. It’s wintertime, and you don’t have enough…
Your 9-Step Marketing Plan – Step 4
Welcome to the fourth step in “Your 9-Step Marketing Plan.” Have you been diligently studying each step? I hope so; it will help your business a lot. The first step was to Set Your Sales Goals. The second step is to outline a Description of Your Service. Not just the fact that you do carpet cleaning, but what your Unique…
Your 9-Step Marketing Plan – Step 3
You need to be clear on what you are really providing the client. You are not just providing cleaning or restoration. Anyone can do that. What is unique about your service? That’s what creates demand. And that leads us to…