
Sellin’ Ain’t Tellin’

Do you know the power of a question? Did you know that “Sellin’ Ain’t Tellin’”? Have you heard that asking questions during a sales presentation is much more effective than talking about your product or service? Have you noticed that most sales people break that rule on a regular basis? The last time you bought something, did the sales person…

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Avoiding the Silent Kiss of Death

Every day small businesses are suffering from what I call the “silent kiss of death.” The silent kiss of death is when a prospect tries to do business with a company and the owner doesn’t even know it! If someone calls your company during business hours and gets voicemail rather than speaking to a person, you’re taking a chance of…

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Phenomenal Marketing Copy

How to Create a Phenomenal Marketing Message There are plenty of books and resources on writing copy, so I won’t attempt to teach you everything you need to know. Plus, one book won’t do the job. The good news is you don’t have to be an expert copywriter to be successful in marketing your business, but understanding how to structure…

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Increasing Sales

  What comes to your mind when you think of the word marketing? For some, it’s advertising. Others might think of networking, branding, or the idea of “getting your name out there.” Of course marketing includes those things, but marketing is actually everything you do to attract prospects to your business. Phenomenal marketing delivers a meaningful experience that educates, engages,…

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Failure to Implement

  The Number One Reason Most Small Businesses Don’t Grow (or do as well as they could)   I shared a Japanese proverb earlier that says, “Vision without action is just a daydream….” I was speaking to a group one time and my friend, Kirby Lammers who was in the audience, chuckled and muttered “FTI.” I asked him what it…

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