
A Sad Story

My wife and I frequented one of the finest restaurants in the Houston area. I worked there when I started my first business. We were engaged there and celebrated many anniversaries there. The owners of the restaurant died and two sisters who worked there took over the restaurant. They weren’t very good marketers and business became very slow. Every time…

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How to Double Your Business in the Next 12 Months (without adding a single customer!)

Does your business rely on repeat business? Is your primary referral source your past or existing customers? If so, you are probably committing the biggest marketing mistake of all (other than doing nothing). The biggest marketing mistake of all is not marketing to your past customers. Statistics reveal that it costs 500 percent more to gain a new client than…

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Advanced Referral Marketing Strategies

Once you build a solid relationship with referral sources and you are giving them the top three things they cherish (support, food, and money!), you can take it to the next level with these advanced strategies: Cook Breakfast or Lunch: We have a system in place where we go to a cli- ent’s site and cook bacon and eggs, fajitas,…

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Who Likes Money?

Have you noticed that most people like money? Zig used to say, “Money isn’t the most important thing in life, but it is reasonably close to oxygen!” To maximize your referrals, you should definitely offer a financial reward. You will get more referrals and your advertising dollars will go down. Sure you can get referrals without a reward, but you…

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