
What You Need to Understand to Put this Together

To create and deliver the most phenomenal service experience ever, you’ll need to first understand the emotional state of your niche prospect. When your clients buy your product or service, what is their emotional state? Excitement? Fear? Uncertainty? Pride? For example, when I arrived on “Fantasy Island,” I was very excited because visiting the Great Barrier Reef was on my…

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You may not feel that you are up to providing that level of service experience. You may feel it is beneath you. You may be thinking, How in the world could I get my staff to act that way? I’m here to tell you that not only can you change your culture, I want to offer you some benefits of…

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The Most Phenomenal Service Experience Ever!TM

If you want to know what the most phenomenal service experience ever looks like, look no farther than the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company and their legendary service. One of my best friends, Luis Hernandez, and I go to Puerto Rico together sometimes, and last year I took my mama with us since it was her 75th birthday (yes, when you’re from…

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Phenomenal Operations Systems

Operations is everything you do to serve your clients. Phenomenal operations delivers a meaningful service experience that engages, educates, and entertains your clients, making them feel special. A phenomenal operations system is a group of working parts that duplicates results consistently (without you having to be there). Michael E. Gerber, author of the E-Myth books says, “Most business owners are…

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How Much Money Are You Leaving on the Table?

Think about how much you could potentially add to your business each day in add-on sales if you or your people were trained and focused. Now multiply that by five days a week. Now multiply that by 52 weeks per year. Now multiply that by the number of sales or service representatives you have. A mere $100 per day x…

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