
Why Systems are Critical to Your Business (Part 2)

A consistent service experience When you have a system, the customer knows exactly what to expect. McDonald’s is the “poster child” for systems because customers can get the same hamburger in Tokyo as they can in Paducah, Kentucky. It may not be the best hamburger, but it’s the same hamburger. It’s consistent because they have a system. Takes less of…

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Why Systems are Critical to Your Business (Part 1)

The key to profitable growth Have you ever seen companies that grow big fast only to discover that more money is going out than is coming in? I have. And it is not very phenomenal! The bigger you get without systems, the more money is going out the door in reinventing every day. Employees perform better When your employees don’t…

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GPS—Goals, Plans, Systems

G is for Goals. Without clearly defined goals, you will never know where you are going, or if and when you get there. You must have clearly defined life goals and business goals. They must be written down. They must be yours. GPS for Phenomenal Success They must be meaningful to you. They must be specific and measurable. And of…

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GPS for Phenomenal Success

GHave you ever used a GPS (Global Positioning System)? Of course you have. GPS is used by many to get from “here to there” these days. When I started my business 28 years ago, we used something called a “map,” and it was made of this interesting material called paper! But today, we simply get out our smart phones (that…

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The One and Only Reason Your Business Exists 

The greatest business lesson I ever learned is that my business exists for one and one reason only. And your business exists for the same reason: to be a vehicle to help you achieve your LIFE goals! The everyday demands of a business can have a dramatic impact on your personal lives. The good news—no, phenomenal news—is that the impact…

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