Business Planning, Uncategorized

“Without consultation plans are frustrated…”

My company, Phenomenal Products, Inc. was founded on Proverbs 15:22 “Without consultation plans are frustrated, but with many counselors plans succeed”. The most successful professionals have counselors. Yesterday I decided to launch a new business I have been thinking about for a long time. The first thing I did was search the internet for consultants that could tell me how to travel the road ahead. I’ve cut the trail alone too many times. If you think consultants are expensive, try going it alone!

Get the right advice.

In his last book Born To Win, Zig Ziglar said “Get the right advice”. There are many “so called” consultants that have never actually done what you do. You want someone who has not only traveled the road themselves, but have helped others get to the destination successfully.

The miracle of the consultation.

A few years ago, I lost 50 pounds and got incredibly fit. I was out of shape and lethargic. I got a consultation from a certified nutritionist that painted a pretty bleak picture of my probably future. That gave me the desperation I needed to make a change. She taught me what to eat and when. I lost a lot of weight!Moving from desperation to inspiration, I hired a personal trainer that I worked out with 3 times a week. She taught me about fitness and I got incredibly fit!

After a while, I got bored with my trainer, and I began sending my assistant to pick up my supplements from my nutritionist, therefore not getting the benefit of the consultation. What do you think happened? I got off track. Then I blew out my knee playing basketball because my legs were weak from not working out. Now, not being able to exercise at all, I began to eat junk food again. I started gaining weight and I didn’t have that incredible energy I had when I was eating right and working out.

Finally, I decided to go back to my nutritionist and get some “consultation”. Once again, that gave me the push I needed to get back on track. I ride my bike and play basketball on a regular basis and even walk when I’m on the road (I discovered this is a phenomenal time to listen to some praise and worship music, the Word of God, or an audio program). I have found the same to be true with my coaching members. Our small group process is great, but when I can spend an hour with them over the phone, or spend a day with them in person, plans begin to succeed.

One of the consulting days I do is called The Destin Dream Day. I have a condo in Seagrove and bought my dream property next to 3 1/2 miles of unspoiled beach a few miles from there. I just did my most recent Destin Dream Day on Saturday with my coaching members Randy and Amber Hansen. They had already increased their business 47% with my coaching program, and they bought their very first building (which was one of their dreams come true), but the consultation revealed some areas they needed to grow in. It would not have come out unless we were able to spend the time digging into the issues.

And it doesn’t hurt to have a little bit of fun at the same time, right? We went YOLO boarding, played in the sand at the dream beach and sat on my dream property for a while. I even made them my world famous Caesar Salad for lunch. When I started my first business, I was a waiter and I made Caesar Salad dressing from scratch at the table.

I just decided last night I’m going to finally bottle it. Over the years, everyone said my Caesar Salad is the best they’ve ever tasted, so I took a sample up to the little market in Seaside and the owner said it was “perfect” and he would carry it. I have NO idea how to bottle anything.

So what did I do? I went online and searched for a consultant! “Without consultation, plans are frustrated, but with many counselors, plans succeed.

Helpful links:

Get a FREE CD that Reveals the 5 Secrets of a Phenomenal Business

Learn My Proven Systems with My Home Study  Course

Attend the Zig Ziglar Born To Win Business Growth Workshop 

Learn about my Business Coaching

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