It’s Black Friday and “Occupy Best Buy” has ended. Now those that were camping out are inside on a buying frenzy! Black Friday is about ONE thing and ONE thing ONLY… PROFIT. The name comes from the fact that retailers “get out of the red” today.
I would hate to have to wait all year to make a profit. In fact, my goal is to make a profit EVERY DAY.
Sadly, many small businesses are not very profitable. And the reason is that too many times you are working “IN” the business and not “ON” the business.
I love the holidays not only because I get to be with people I love, but I get some downtime to plan my business, work on projects, etc. I actually get excited about getting up at 6am on a holiday to write, think and plan!
I know that sounds crazy, but when you think about it like this… when I take time to seriously work on my business, I reach my biggest goals and dreams in life.
Remember the ONLY reason your business exists is to be a vehicle to help you achieve your life goals. A vehicle must be maintained. It must be worked on, it must have gas, oil and fluids. And the driver should know where he or she wants to go!
So… Black Friday is about PROFIT and so is your business. A business without a profit is just a HOBBY! You may love what you do, but working 24/7 and being a slave to the business isn’t what I call a very good hobby!
When your business is profitable, you have many options. So, here are 5 ways to increase your profits:
1. Increase Your Add-On Sales. The Add-On Sale is the most profitable sale ever made. Why? Because you have already paid to acquire the client, you have already invested the time to make the first sale. This is the first thing we help our members with when they join the Inner Circle. You can literally double your profits practically overnight.
2. Get Higher Prices. You may think this is impossible in this economy, but when you discover how to position yourself and attract high end clients, it becomes easier than you think.
3. Stop Being a Slave to Advertising by Generating More Referrals. Referrals are simply more profitable all the way around and a wonderful way to do business.
4. Retain Your Clients. If you aren’t marketing to your past clients, you are committing one of the biggest sins in your business! It’s the biggest marketing mistake of all!
5. Lower Your Costs. This one is obvious, but small business owners RARELY understand their numbers! This past Wednesday, I met with my CPA and he showed us how we can increase profits by $100k over the next 5 years with one simple strategy. Lunch made us $100k! You gotta love that!
And that’s what I’m talking about… paying ENOUGH ATTENTION to your business (the vehicle that is supposed to help you achieve your Life Goals) to understand what’s happening with the numbers.
What about tax strategies? A LOT is scheduled to change in 2012. Have you had YOUR meeting with YOUR CPA? Is your CPA worth a hoot?
One of the strategies I like to use is Section 179. It’s a rule that allows you to “accelerate” depreciation on equipment. My CPA told me that it is scheduled to be REDUCED from $500k to $25k next year!!!
So, this is something you want to consider. By planning your taxes, you can increase your profits.
If you would like to fix some of this stuff in your business and make 2012 your most profitable year EVER, then take advantage of this amazing offer:
Register for the Upcoming Born To Win Business Planning Conference and save $398.00 by registering by this Wednesday November 30th and you also get to attend my Live Weekly Webcast Training from now until the end of January…
This Tuesday, I will have my CPA on my Live Webcast Training to share how we can save $100k over the next 5 years, how you can take advantage of tax savings THIS year (if you ACT before the end of the year).
During the month of December, I will be focusing on how to get bigger returns from any of the marketing you do.
You will also be able to attend my live training webcasts through the month of January, and you will be able to download 24 of my past training webcasts – each one of them painstakingly showing you step-by-step how to make your business truly phenomenal and how to reach your goals in life.
You get some of my best teachings along with my top members sharing their secrets of success and even interviews with bestselling authors.
And get this… you get ALL of this for ONE LOW, ONE-TIME Investment of $197.00!
Even if you don’t attend the event, it’s worth it just for the bonus items. But you MUST register by THIS Wednesday November 30th, 2011
I hope I see you there. Planning your business for maximum profit is one of the best gifts you can possibly give yourself!
Howard Partridge
P.S. My events are truly life-changing. If you’ve never been to one, you are truly missing out on something very special. I only have 100 seats for this event, so register TODAY!