You first value them for who they are (and whose they are I might add—they’re not yours!) Every human being is God’s creation. We need to treat them that way. Don’t worry, you won’t have to let them get away with murder. We’ll talk about how to get them to do what you want them to do in a minute.…
Tag: Business Coaching
What to Learn about Leadership
The first thing you must learn about leadership is that your team is your greatest asset. If you look at them as an expense, a problem, or a “necessary evil,” you’re already off the rails. John Maxwell says, “Leadership is influence. Nothing more, nothing less. Everyone has influence in someone else’s life.”How do you gain influence? You “add value to…
What is Leadership?
Leadership is effectively communicating your vision, mission, and purpose. Phenomenal Leadership creates a meaningful community where the vision, mission, and purpose is lived out. A Phenomenal Leadership System is a group of working parts that duplicates results consistently. One of the biggest reasons small business owners remain prisoners of their own making is the lack of leadership skills. The owners…