
Why Have SYSTEMS In Your Business?

In 1997 I was a slave to my business. I had no systems. And then I read a book called The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber. It changed my business life forever. Today, not only has Michael appeared on my stage (and will be with us again in May), he just endorsed my book! “If anyone knows about living…

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My book endorsed by bestselling author Jeffrey Gitomer

Hey ~Contact.FirstName~, I just got a huge endorsement for my book. Jeffrey Gitomer is a top business author. Here’s what he said… “Howard Partridge is a phenomenal person, so it’s fitting he would write about how to have and enjoy a phenomenal life. This book shares his associations, his lessons, his ideas, and his structure. I urge you to read…

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ALL of Business is About Relationships

The Least Expensive, Most Valuable, Life Changing and Business Changing Marketing Strategy Ever! (and how most small business owners aren’t taking full advantage of it) I want to share a strategy that has absolutely changed my life. And it is at the foundation of all that I do in marketing and in business. This simple, but overlooked, and misunderstood “marketing”…

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