This time of the year is when we begin to reflect on the past year
and think about where we are in life. We begin to think about next
year and what we will do differently.
If you are still in hectic shopping mode, and you’re not there yet,
you will be before the New Year if you are like most people.
I have been very blessed to reach some of my biggest dreams in life
and business and I want to share a few tips with you this morning,but
before I do, let me invite you to a VERY SPECIAL Webcast I will be
this coming Thursday night…
Thursday December 22nd 6:00pm
Register here
FOR THE FIRST TIME EVER… I will be teach from my upcoming book
“7 Secrets of a Phenomenal L.I.F.E.” publicly over the web. Until now,
I have only shared it in live seminars.
The first time I taught it was at a business conference and got a standing
On this live, NO-COST seminar over the web (just sit back and watch and listen on
your computer), I will teach from the 7 Secrets outlined in my upcoming book.
I’ll also be GIVING away several autographed copies during the presentation.
And by the way… this webinar is not just for business owners. It is for ALL people,
young and old that want to understand the secrets of a phenomenal life. My nephew
loves listening to my CDs and so does my step-mother.
If you have family in town, take 90 minutes out to be a part of this. You will all
love it!
Here’s what I will teach from the 7 Secrets…
1. How to Have a Phenomenal L.I.F.E. – Everyone wants a phenomenal life,
but what does that really mean to you and how do you get it?
2. How to THINK and Become Phenomenally Successful – I just spent an entire
week on my favorite beach in the world, thinking and planning. I will show you on
the call what I do – and how this process has made a LOT of money for
me – and how creative thinking done right has helped me get clear on
my Life Goals – and how YOU can use it to create YOUR preferred future.
3. How to Make Phenomenal Money! – It seems that everyone wants
more of it, but can’t stand those that have it! Funny isn’t it?
I will share exactly how much $$$ you should have.
Zig Ziglar says “money may not be the most important thing in life,
but it’s reasonably close to oxygen!”
(by the way, like Zig, I’ve been BROKE. I’ve been in debt and I grew up on welfare)
4. Secrets of a Phenomenal Business – This is the key to making the amount of money
you need. You will learn what you need to do to have a successful business based
on my 27 years of experience of owning 8 small business, having partners, buying and
selling business and coaching small business owners worldwide for 15 years.
This information has been validated by some of the top business authors and trainers
in the world including John C. Maxwell, Zig Ziglar, and several New York Times
best-selling authors.
5. Secrets of Your Phenomenal Body – I lost 50 pounds and that totally changed my
life. I’ll tell you how I did it. And the best part is I have maintained a healthy lifestyle
for over 7 years now.
6. Phenomenal Family Relationships – My wife’s parents have been married for over 50
years. Their secret? I’ll share it on the call. Speaking of my wife, she told me there was
a typo on my book title… that it should be “7 Secrets of a Phenomenal W.I.F.E.”
A great title right? I’ve been blessed with a lot of wonderful relationships. This holiday
season you will be around people who don’t believe in your dream. They think you’re
crazy. I’ll share how to deal with that.
7. I AM Phenomenal, So Are YOU! “I AM” are probably two of the most powerful words
spoken in the English language. We take action based on who we THINK we are.
I hope you will join me.