
My Seven Step Sales System (1-3)

Many years ago, I developed a system that has proven to work in manysmall businesses around the world. When you understand and apply thissystem, I believe you can close more sales because I have seen it work manytimes. Trough this system, you will also confirm that you have the righttype of prospect, and you will disqualify the price shoppers (sounds…

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Phenomenal Sales Systems

Sales is everything you do to convert prospects into paying customers. Phenomenal sales converts the highest number of qualified prospects into customers. A phenomenal sales system is a group of working parts that duplicates results consistently. It is very sad to see so much work go into marketing, only to see the sale blown. Small business owners must understand that…

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The Five M’s of a Phenomenal Marketing Plan

Now that you have an idea of the kinds of systems and strategies that are required for a relationship-based marketing system that can create record sales and profits for your business, you need a focused plan. Remember GPS? Well, you can apply GPS to marketing as well. Your sales goal, your market- ing plan, and your marketing systems. An easy…

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Phenomenal Direct Sales

Finally, there’s the age-old idea of actually making a sales call! Part marketing and part sales, direct selling is when you market directly to a prospect in person. Don’t discount this process! When you think of network market- ing (also known as multi-level marketing), this is really direct selling. The fact that you are taking the time to speak to…

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Phenomenal Internet Marketing

In the small business world, some small business owners aren’t up to speed on what’s happening online. At the same time, some of the younger business owners seem to think that everything should be digital. They dis- miss anything offline as old-school, slow, and ineffective. The truth is in the middle (as usual). How you use the Internet to market…

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